Learn Tips For Doing Fun And Easy Poses: Yoga For Beginners

By Thaya Kareeson

Yoga is well-known to improve health, relieve stress, improve coordination, balance and overall fitness, both mental and physical. Yoga, if you know nothing about it, can be intimidating. You have visions of turning yourself into a human pretzel - you who has not done anything remotely pretzel-like since you were five years old! Put your mind at rest. In yoga for beginners there is no need for you to do any pose beyond your ability. Here are a few beginner's poses to get you started.

The first pose is called Easy Yoga Pose. You often see people meditating in this position. To begin, sit on your bottom with your legs crossed in front of you (knees bent). Put one foot towards your groin and the other on the floor. Sit up nice and tall, stretching your spine. Relax your shoulders. This should feel quite comfortable.

To do the Tree Pose, start from a standing position. Your hands should be in a prayer pose, fingertips pointing up, at chest level. Hips should be parallel to the floor as much as possible. Slowly bring your right foot up the inside of your left leg until it rests on your inner left thigh (or as high as you can get it without pain). Remain balancing for a time, then repeat with your other leg and foot. Hold on to the wall or a chair if you need extra support.

Adho Mukha Svansana, otherwise known as Downward-Facing Dog, will stretch your entire body. Start by getting down on all fours, hands and knees aligned with your shoulders and hips. Your back is flat. Next, bring your hands back towards your feet, raising your backside up towards the ceiling and straightening out your legs. You will look like a triangle (inverted). Hang your head, take your shoulders out of your ears and relax them (beginners tend to scrunch their shoulders towards their ears). Do not invert yourself farther than you can go without pain.

A very restful pose is the Child's Pose. Start from the Downward-Facing Dog position on your hands and knees. Then, slowly bring your bottom down towards your calves, folding your body up so that your stomach is near the floor. Hands can be out in front of you or at your sides.

Cat/Cow Pose is another stretching pose. Get onto your hands and knees as if you were going to do the Downward-Facing Dog Pose. Your toes should be bent under and pointing towards your head. Shoulders should be relaxed. Drop your belly low towards the ground. It is not necessary to touch your belly to the ground. Keep your hands and knees aligned with your shoulders and hips. Next, arch your back towards the ceiling getting a good stretch. Come back to the beginning.

From a standing position with your hands in prayer position and your feet apart, go slowly into a squatting position. Your elbows will be at the inside of your knees slightly pressing outward. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Spine should be straight, no hunching. Remain like this for five breaths.

You have just gone through five different poses of yoga for beginners. No doubt, you feel stretched out and relaxed. Continue practicing yoga poses every day and you will see yourself getting more flexible and stronger over time. You may even decide to join other yoga practitioners at a local yoga class. - 30514

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Top 4 Essential Accessories For Pilates

By Sandy McPherson

Pilates gives you that total mind and body workout at the same time. It is for this reason that it has taken the world by storm. If you're considering taking it up, but can't afford to join a gym, don't fret! You can work out at home with a few pieces of inexpensive Pilates accessories.

Most folks look watch television and see all these Pilates experts working out on expensive machines that promise great results. But trust me, you don't need it especially if you're only a beginner. Keep it simple by just purchasing the following:

Getting a set of comfortable gym clothes is essential for Pilates - Shorts or track pants will suffice. You will be required to do plenty of stretching so don't wear clothing that will be overly tight.

A huge part of the workouts in Pilates will be done on the floor, so a good quality floor mat will be essential as well. When choosing a Pilates mat, make sure you get one that's not too thin. Thin mats can really give you a sore body after each workout and it's not safe for your spine either. Do purchase the more tougher and thicker mats that provide more support for your back. You will be able to purchase these Pilates mats at any specialist Yoga or Pilates centres for under fifty dollars.

Another handy accessory to give your workouts variation is the Pilates magic ring. The ring is basically a durable rubber circle that provides resistance and helps tone and sculpt your body - and it works great! There are different sizes of circles and also different levels of resistance so be sure to get one that you can utilize comfortably.

The purpose of the Pilates ring is to help you develop and sculpt your lower torso muscles, which is also known as the "core". Your buttocks, pelvic areas and abdominal muscles all fall into this category.

The usage is not only partial to your torso, as your legs and arms may benefit from Magic ring exercises too. The possibilities of different workouts are almost infinite and you can utilize the magic circle in tons of ways to help you in achieving your weightloss goals.

A Yoga ball is the final essential piece of equipment you'll need to do most of the foundational Pilates routines. By using the Yoga ball for working on your core muscles, you're effectively increasing the amount of resistance thus decreasing the amount of time before seeing great results! - 30514

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Pilates Books For Beginners

By Jennifer Willenson

Whether you are a complete beginner to health and fitness or a hard-core gym enthusiast, Pilates is a proven way to stay in shape. For millions of people all over the world, Pilates provides a simple yet effective way to to exercise, no matter what their goals may be. If you are new to the world of Pilates, choosing the right Pilates book to learn from is an important step to getting started on your way to a healthier body. In the next few paragraphs, we'll provide you with some valuable tips on how to choose the right Pilates books for you.

It can be scary doing something for the first time. There is no end to what you can learn about Pilates, and there is so much Pilates equipment that you wouldn't know what to do with it. So where do you start? You may want to consider buying a good beginner Pilates book before you go out and start spending your hard earned money on courses or equipment that you don't know will really meet your need. Compared to a full blown course, the books will help you learn all the basics at a fraction of the cost. So how do you find the right books? A few tips below will help you make sure you are picking a book that's right for you.

1) Look for books aimed at beginners

There's no quicker way to get discouraged with a Pilates book than to choose one that is above and beyond your skill level. Make sure when shopping for your Pilates books that you are purchasing books that are designed for beginners. You have to walk before you can run, so be sure you are starting at the beginning and learning the basics before moving on.

2) Use Pilates books where equipment is not needed.

Avoid buying expensive equipment until you have mastered the basics. If you know how to do the exercises without equipment you will have a great advantage and you can take your Pilates exercises wherever you go. When you do use equipment start out with something like the Pilates exercise mat or ball.

3) Find Pilates books with pictures.

It can be challenging turning a written text into proper exercises and poses. It is best if you are a beginner to find a book that has detailed illustrations or photos, preferably in colour and from different angles so you can really see what is going on. This will help you to know that you are performing the exercises correctly.

If you want to get fit, Pilates is one of the best ways to do it. So many people are sick and tired of feeling horrible and just want simple exercises to help them feel better and get in shape. Finding a Pilates book is definately a great choice. - 30514

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Yoga Blocks Help With Your Poses In Yoga Classes

By Thaya Kareeson

Many people are excited to try a tough discipline like yoga. As a beginner, watching all the difficult poses can be intimidating. Yoga blocks can help a beginner to yoga adjust and get into the correct postures and positions right from the beginning. These effective tools can help take the fear out of yoga for even the most timid beginner.

Yoga originated in the eastern country of India, and is a traditional method of exercise and self discipline. It uses the mental, physical and verbal beliefs of Hinduism to help a person attain self control. In today's world of increasing fitness and concern for health, yoga provides a complimentary way of increasing flexibility and agility.

While doing yoga, people twist and turn their bodies and teach themselves to stretch into different positions and postures. These are called asanas. To the beginner, trying to do asanas can be very intimidating. However, with a little encouragement from an understanding instructor and perhaps some help and support with yoga blocks, beginners can try easier postures and experience success.

Yoga blocks in a general sense can help someone who is learning yoga to stretch a bit further. The blocks can be placed beneath hands and bottoms and heels and heads to help someone see how far their bodies can stretch and what muscle groups should be working. These tools can help yoga postures be a bit less intimidating to newcomers to the discipline.

Yoga is an exercise discipline that welcomes people of all body types, believe it or not. It has something to offer everyone. However, that means of course that some people who take yoga have yet to fully develop their bodies. Yoga blocks can help people with tight hamstrings or hips to twist and turn just a bit more, to maneuver themselves into the necessary postures. There are hundreds of asanasa to perform, potentially. Yoga blocks can be used with many of them.

The blocks can also be helpful for people who are trying to attain more difficult positions. Sarvangasana, a shoulderstand, can utilize four or so blocks beneath the shoulders to help a person have the right support. These blocks are used in Supta Virasana or 'hero lying down' can help support the spine. The goal of these blocks is to encourage and provide proper support during postures. Spine alignment in yoga is very important, and crucial to preventing strain or injury.

Yoga is an attitude, a belief system, and for many people a way to live. It requires having an open mind and an earth friendly consciousness, a consideration for the planet around one's self. Yoga blocks thankfully come in many different material types. While some are foam and with vivid colours, others come in pine wood from New Zealand, or in cork or bamboo. These are specifically chosen renewable resources that leave less of an impact on the earth. Bringing such a tool into a yoga space only serves to increase the peace and tranquility of that space.

Taking on the challenge of a good yoga routine is meant to help people get more fitness in their lives. Yoga should compliment strength training and fat burning exercises. With the help of yoga blocks, people practicing yoga need not worry about strain or injury. These tools make yoga that much easier to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle. - 30514

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Pilates Should Be A Part Of Your Fitness Routine

By Mark Trodor

You have been quite lazy this year and your body and mind were those that suffered most. You went about with your usual work routine giving less time for fitness and strength. This coming year you want to give yourself the needed health boost not just in the body but also in the mind. One way to do so is to start Pilates. This physical fitness system is primarily aimed to strengthen the body - that is, to keep the body balanced and to provide the spine the needed support. This muscle control system is known not only to give the body a physical healthy boost but also in keeping the mind stress-free. Pilates is developed by Joseph Pilates of Germany and is now used by millions of people all around the world.

The following are some of the reasons why you should start Pilates this next year:

1. Achieve a lean look without those bulky muscles.

We all want to be strong and when we mean strong we do not really mean having the heavy bulky muscles. If you want to increase your body's physical strength but not really take on the bulk of the usual physical fitness program, then Pilates can do well for you. Since the program does not focus on movement repetition, you do not get to have overgrown muscles which are considered to be unsightly by some people.

2. To get a well rounded mind-body workout. Another thing that sets this particular physical fitness program apart from the usual exercise regimens is the fact that it can give you a total mind and body workout. The smooth and flowing movement of this system allows you to be more mindful of the body. The breathing system also helps in relieving stress and reducing anxiety and depression.

3. Prevent injuries in the future.

Pilates is also known for balancing and strengthening the entire body. Its focus is not just on certain muscle groups. Over time, your body becomes more supple and fluid, protecting your from physical injury. Another reason is because the exercise system veers away from under training or overtraining of certain muscle groups.

4. Aid your body to become more efficient.

With regular Pilates sessions, you can expect your body to become more efficient when it comes to movement and overall function. Of course, this does means a lot as you are given the natural ability t move smoother and safer. It can also help you manage daily tasks easily.

5. Aid you during your golden years.

This physical fitness system can help you not just be more physically and spiritually ready for the present but it can also help you in your senior years. Practicing Pilates can save you from painful and stiff joints years from now. It aims for body strength and flexibility so it can also be quite useful for those already in their senior years. If a senior is planning to start this system, then it would be best to be under a trained instructor's program. - 30514

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