Here Are 5 Excellent Yoga and Pilates Exercises for Height Gain

By Rodney Williams

Yoga and Pilates help increase height by setting your spine straight, enhancing your posture, strengthening the core muscles to support the spine better, and stretching out the whole body. There are hundreds of such exercises that not only result in better physical height but also mental tallness.

Here are 5 of the best exercises that help in height growth by working on the spine, hips, hamstrings, calves, and neck.

Good Morning Stretch: Stand straight 2 feet away from a wall with your back towards it. Raise your arms forward, up, over your head and backward until your fingers touch the wall behind. Slowly come back to starting position. Repeat 6-7 times. Stand farther away from the wall as you gain in flexibility.

Forward Bend: Stand with your legs spread wide apart and hands held together straight above your head. Bend forward at the hips and reach your hands to the floor between your legs. Come back up and repeat 10 times. Bring your feet closer as you progress in this exercise.

90 Degree Forward Bend: With feet hip-width apart and hands behind the neck, bend forward slowly as much as possible. Push your head with your hands to stretch to the maximum. Return to starting position when you have gone as far down as possible. Perform 5 more times.

Warrior Pose: Begin with feet 4-5 feet apart and arms straight up over the head. Turn your left foot 90 degrees left and right foot by 45 degrees also to the left. Bend at the left knee until the knee is exactly over the ankle. Now lower your arms and stabilize them at shoulder length. Hold for a few breaths and reverse positions.

Spine Lengthener: Stand straight with arms at the sides. In one flowing motion, raise your heels up, stand on your toes, raise your arms sideways and up towards the sky, and stretch your whole body. Stretch your neck backwards and upwards. Hold for a few breaths and repeat 10 times. Perform the Spine Lengthener at the end of how to become taller exercises.

Apart from stretching exercises like yoga and Pilates, you also need to boost growth hormones through exercise to achieve your height goals. Employ intense aerobic exercises like sprinting, swimming or kicking for this purpose and perform these 5 exercises after that for the best results. - 30514

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